If You Can See It You Can Do It !!!

Many years ago, I had the privilege to meet the founder and former chairman of Sony Corporation – Mr. Akio Morita. I was amongst a group of 27 handpicked graduating students who were given the opportunity to ask him questions and find out about his success. 

One of our first questions was :

“You built up this company from nothing into one of the largest and most successfid companies in the world, how did you do it? What was the secret?”

Mr. Morita calmly shared the following, “At Sony, we have a very simple vision; we do not invent anything from scratch. No, no, no what we do is watch trends, then borrow technology, take technology invented from scratch by someone else, and then make it smaller and better, smaller and better smaller and better we make it with more features, miniaturise it and then market the hell out of it! Everyone from top to bottom of Sony Corporation understands this vision. It is simple and clearly understood.” The Bible says in Proverbs, “If there is no vision the people perish”.

Let’s share more examples of

Leadership 101, why any leader must have a vision :

Whether you liked his politics or not, much can be Learned from the life of former President Clinton. As a teenager, Clinton thought of becoming a doctor or a reporter or even a musician. But after a fateful meeting with President John F.Kennedy, while still in high school, he made up his mind to enter politics. At that moment, a vision was born that he would hold onto - that he would glorify in his mind over and over – for the next 30 years, until he himself was elected President at the age of 46.

What is the vision for the future of your organisation? Is it written down? Do you often review it and think about it? Is your work organised around goals and objectives that will ensure the vision is reached?

Mr. Morita asked us how many of us had written our goals down on paper? Only 1 person had, and he, I am pleased to report, is now CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Mr. Morita also encouraged us to take another step, to share those goals with someone we trust someone who would be willing to nudge us along. keep us focused and remind us of our goals and to stay on track to achieve them. 

Wallace D.Wattles, wrote “There is no labour from which most people shrink
as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought; it is the hardest
work in the world.” And yet it is the “sustained and consecutive thought” about our vision that is the first and primary labour of achievement.

What You See,
You Can Pursue.

Many times, we get excited about an idea or business and then after a while our focus and enthusiasm diminishes. Many times we work on our business, but in hindsight we spend time on the wrong things.

Often, we lose focus because we can’t SEE what we’re pursuing.

We don’t have a physical or mental picture of what we desire to achieve.

One of the ways successful people stay so focused and accomplish so much, is by having a few physical reminders about what they and their staff are pursuing around them.

If you look at the wall and desk, of any great leader, you’ll will find his/her personal and company mission statement, his/her company’s annual objectives and his/her weekly priorities.

It’s all right there. He/She sees it all day. By seeing it, it helps him/her stay focused and get things done. By seeing it, he/she minimizes his/her wasted time by focusing on what’s important.

If we can’t SEE what we’re after, how will we know where we’re going or what we’re looking to achieve? Put your goals in front of you so you can SEE them often. Some do it on their personal computers, etc. Can you see and read them daly?

“What You SEE, You Can Pursue. What you Can’t SEE, you Can’t Pursue.


In Leadership, one has to have a clear concise ……VISION.

It has to be WRITTEN OUT.

It has to be SEEN.

It has to be reviewed DAILY.

It has to be SHARED with people whom will help you.

There has to be FOCUS.


Leadership is both personal and corporate. It starts with yourself, and influences the entire company, and all the people around you. In closing, “ What is your VISION ? ”, you need to ask yourself this, then write it down, be clear, be concise, be honest. Next share it with someone you trust, father, mother, sister, brother, best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife; someone whom you know will commit to helping you fulfill or moving toward accomplishing your written vision or goals.

First you visualize , then you actualize. R.Kelly wrote the song, “ I believe I can Fly “ and in that song the lyrics say If I can see it, then I can do it. It begins in our minds, we must first be able to see, to be able to visualize, then we can accomplish it. All the greatest athletes or sportsmen have learnt this and applied it to get success, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Muhammed Ali and many others. All the great corporate leaders do exactly the same as well, Donald Trump, Richard Branson and many others.

So now its our turn…..Picture it, See It, Visualize it…and yes…Achieve it.

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