Sëcrets of Success !!!

“My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging.”   - Hank Aaron, Hall of Fame American Baseball Player

Don’t read this if you’re looking for touchy-feely, warm and fuzzy, hug a pillow type, personal achievement psycho banter. There is   plenty of that nauseous fluffy stuff around to get us through the 21st century. (If you don’t believe me go to any garage sale/book store clearance and chëck out all the leftover personal motivation tapes and books there for sale!) I want to share with you some of the practical/real world advice that has enabled someone who grew up with his family in Singapore that went from rags to riches to rags, yes the full cycle! Where a son eventually had to look after his Dad, Mother and yes even his elder brother at times! More about that in future blogs …possibly.

Yes, that includes fïnancial frëedom, quality of life, health of body, spirit of mind and just  plain enjoying each day of life. Some of the items on my list you will not agree with and others might outrage you. I can only tell you that they worked for me and they just might work for you. OK, herë we go :-

 #1: If your Life Stinks, it’s your fault. (Hey, I warned you!)  Success begins when you take full, unmitigated, unequivocal  TAKE  RESPONSIBILITY for your life. You stop blaming others or circumstances, luck, the economy, etc   How many times do  we hear from others how it’s always someone else’s fault? Your Success  ALWAYS begins and ends with you.

    Sëcret #2:  Walking on Hot coals will only give you a hot foot! There are more silly ways for you to spend monëy in search of success than ever before. How many people have literally spent tens of thousands on gimmicks. You don’t need  to find your center, eat tofu or wear some crystal from Africa or go to a Feng Shui master. You just need to learn simple principles of common sense and apply them.

Sëcret #3: If you hang around or take advice from losers you will become one, too! You are a product of your environment. Oh boy, this  is a toughy, but let’s go for it. I discovered a long time ago that when I hung around with losers I became a loser, too. How many times  do you find yourself wanting to hang out with people who have no desire for greatness, just recreation, gripping sessions, whining and the  like. The good news is that if you surround yourself with Wïnners you can become one, too. You must create an environment of Success. It’s that simple.

Sëcret #4: You can’t petition the Lord (simply for wealth without effort) with Prayer.  NO,  trying to  pray to the Almighty to wïn the  lottery or 4D etc  isn’t what spirituality is all about. Save your talks with the big guy for stuff that’s really important. I believe in the power of prayer but simply asking for wealth isn’t the way forward!

Sëcret #5: You have to be your own Cheerleader.  What I mean herë is you have to be in your own corner. Success is about having  self esteem, believing in yourself, having a little respect for YOU. Sure people, can help here but it has to start with you. If this sounds self centered then you’re correct. It’s all about you, your confidence, your attitude when you really get to the bottom of it.

Sëcret #6: Character does Matter. No matter what you see and hear from the world. It really is smart to do the right thing at the right time. I know this sounds corny, but when you do the right thing at the right time you feel good about yourself, you nevër have to look over your shoulder, you nevër have to remember a lie you told. Ask yourself this question. If you were walking down the street with your child and you found a wallet with the owner’s ID intact would you have the character to return it or would you hope your child forgets about it and you pocket the loot? What would you do if you were alone?  How can you expect anything more of your kid  (or anyone else) when you, as their role model, can’t lead by example?

Sëcret #7: Find A Mentor. Mentor defined: A wise and trusted teacher.  I know of no other technique of Success that has given me greater results faster than having a One-On-One relationship with  wïnners.  The positive influence, guidance, teaching, motivation and laser like  focus is what Success is made of. This technique goes all the way back to ancient Greece and has stood the test of time. Seminars, books and tapes are fine starting points, but there is no substitute for an ongoing supportive, role model relationship. Decide what it is you would like to do, learn and accomplish with your life, then find someone who is already doing it Successfully to help you to discover your greatness. Don’t start from scratch or reinvent the wheel when you can have the life you want beginning today with the right Mentor.

Sëcret #8 : Become a Coach or Mentor. Enabling others to stay focused and motivated is such a great feeling! There is no greater joy than sharing in the success of another person who you played a part in helping. Specialized niche Coaching & Mentoring is becoming the höme busïness opportunïty of the 21st century. Find a Mentor and Become a Coach or Mentor and make a difference in your life and in that of another person.

 Sëcret #9 : You have everything you need right nöw to Succeed. You are endowed with the same seeds of greatness as anyone you have ever envied or admired. It’s just a question of finding your passion, discovering your greatness and pursuing it with a disciplined HUNGER. So many people accept mediocrity as their standard when they are capable of so much more. Don’t settle for less; excel and find the life you deserve, your greatness within and the life you are destined for. You have everything you need right nöw! So just go for it!

 All for now ….chew on it !!!


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