
You’ve assigned an important task to a talented employee, and given him a deadline. Now, do you let him do his work and simply touch base with him at pre-defined points along the way – or do you keep dropping by his desk and sending e-mails to check his progress?

If it’s the latter, you might be a micromanager. Or, if you’re the harried worker trying to make a deadline with a boss hovering at your shoulder, you might have a micromanager on your hands – someone who just can’t let go of the control of tiny details. Are you one? There was an old management concept which served management well in the past :

“People do not do what you expect, but People will do what you Inspect!”

Micromanagers take perfectly positive attributes – for example an attention to detail and a hands-on attitude – to the absolute extreme. Either because they’re control-obsessed, or because they feel driven to push everyone around them to success, micromanagers risk turning-off their staff. They ruin their staff’s confidence, hurt their performance, and frustrate them to the point where they quit.
Luckily, though, there are ways to identify these overzealous tendencies in yourself – and get rid of them before they do more damage. And if you work for a micromanager, there are strategies you can use to convince him or her to accept your independence.

First, though, how do you spot the signs of micromanagement ? Where is the line between being an involved manager, and an over-involved manager who’s driving his team mad?
Signs of Micromanagement

What follows are some signs that you might be a micromanager – or have one on your hands. In general, micromanagers :

• Resist delegating;
• Immerse themselves in overseeing the projects of others;
• Start by correcting tiny details instead of looking at the big picture
• Take back delegated work before it is finished if they find a mistake in it; and
• Discourage others from making decisions without consulting them.

What’s wrong with Micromanaging?
If you are getting results by micromanaging and keeping your nose in everyone’s business, why not carry on?

Micromanagers often affirm the value of their approach with a simple experiment: They give an employee an assignment, and then disappear until the deadline. Is this employee likely to excel when given free rein?

Empowerment versus Micromanagement?
Possibly – if the worker has exceptional confidence in his abilities. Under micromanagement however, most workers become timid and tentative – possibly even paralyzed. “No matter what I do,” such a worker might think to himself, “It won’t be good enough.” Then one of two things will happen: Either the worker will ask the manager for guidance before the deadline, or he will forge ahead, but come up with an inadequate result.

In either case, the micromanager will interpret the result of his experiment as proof that, without his constant intervention, his people will flounder or fail.

But do these results verify the value of micromanagement or condemn it? A truly effective manager sets up those around him to succeed. Micromanagers , on the other hand, prevent employees from making – and taking responsibility for – their own decisions. But it’s precisely the process of making decisions, and living with the consequences, that causes people to grow and improve. We need today to learn to Empower our staff and create growth.

Good managers empower their employees to do well by giving opportunities to excel; Bad managers micromamange their employees by hoarding those opportunities. A micromanaged employee is an ineffective one – one who requires a lot of time and energy from his supervisor.

It’s that time and energy, multiplied across a whole team of timid controlled workers, that amounts to a serious and self-defeating drain on a manager’s time. It’s extremely difficult, if not impossible, to keep up with analysis, planning, communication with other teams, and the other “big-picture” tasks of managing, when you are sweating the details of what the staff should be doing.

What we can learn from Eggs & Baby Eagles?
Egg-shells look deceivingly fragile. The truth is that breaking out presents almost insurmountable problems for an eagle. Baby eagles don’t even know that they are inside a shell, since their eyes are still closed.

What makes the situation of infant birds even more critical, if that they have very limited time to accomplish their feat. The little oxygen that gets through the shell won’t keep them alive for long. At a certain moment, almost by magic, the baby eagle begins to move and break out of the egg.

If you break the egg-shell to help the baby eagle get out, chances are that you will either kill it or prevent it from ever being able to fly or soar as it was meant to. If the baby eagle is unable to hatch on its own efforts, it means that nature has other plans.

Why do baby eagles break out of the shell? The simplicity of the answer will not make it less shocking. At a certain point in their development, it becomes too uncomfortable to remain inside the egg. It gets too constrained, too warm, too sticky, too hard to breathe inside the shell. Hmm sounds like micromanagement!

Invisible shells are the hardest to break. Inevitably, each of us carries around a few. Unlike those of an eagle, our staffs shells are not made of calcium, but of fear and indecision. We often underestimate the resiliency or ability of our staff to rise to the occasion or break out of their shell by themselves.
Every baby eagle must break out of its own shell. Life will be always fraught with distress and difficulties. When we allow our staff to struggle on their own we are allowing them to grow. Hard as it may be for us we must allow empowerment and stop micromanagement.

Escaping Micromanagement
So now you’ve identified micro-managerial tendencies and seen why they’re bad. What can you do if you know you’re exhibiting such behaviors – or are being subjected to them by a supervisor?
From the micromanager’s perspective, the best way to build healthier relationships with employees may be the most direct: Talk to them.

It might take several conversations to convince them that you’re serious about change. Getting frank feedback from employees is the hard part. This means giving your employees the leeway – and encouragement – to succeed. Focus first on the ones with the most potential, and learn to delegate effectively to them.

Part of being a good manager, one often lost on those of the micro variety, is listening. Managers fail to listen when they forget their employees have important insights – and people who don’t feel listened to become disengaged.

As for the micromanaged, well, things are a bit more complicated. Likely as not, you’re being held back in your professional development – and probably not making the progress in your career that you could be if you enjoyed workplace independence.

But there’s a certain amount that you can do to improve the situation:

• Help your boss to delegate to you more effectively, by prompting him to give you all the information you will need up front, and to set interim review points along the way.

• Volunteer to take on projects that you’re confident you’ll be good at. This will start to increase his confidence in you – and his delegation skills.

• Make sure that you communicate progress to your boss regularly, to discourage him from seeking information just because he hasn’t had any for a while.

• Concentrate on helping your boss to change one micromanagement habit at a time. Remember that he’s only human too, and is allowed to make mistakes!

Review of Key points:
Micromanagement restricts the ability of people to develop and grow, and it also limits what the micromanager’s team can achieve, because everything has to go through him or her. Micro-management is simply not an effective method and will frustrate good staff.

When a boss is reluctant to delegate, focuses on details ahead of the big picture and discourages his staff from taking the initiative, there’s every chance that he’s sliding or falling towards micromanagement.

The first step in avoiding the micromanagement trap (or getting out of it once you’re there) is to recognize the danger signs by talking to your staff or boss. If you’re micromanaged, help your boss see there is a better way of working. And if you are a micromanager, work hard on those delegation skills and learn to trust your staff to develop and deliver.

Micromanagement is definitely something to avoid if you want the best management and to get the best out of your staff.

I recommend anyone to learn the skills of delegation, and also to be on the look-out for those signs of micromanagement .
However experienced you are as the General manager or team leader, there will be situations and people that might lead you astray. So keep hold of that thought. Look out for the symptoms from time to time, and hopefully you’ll avoid it. Be a person that empowers your staff and watch them grow, struggle to break out of their shells and yes allow them to fly!

The Day I Interviewed Michael Jackson

The Day I Interviewed Michael Jackson

 My friend Fifi, is a huge MJ fan, almost died with envy the day I told her about me interviewing MJ. She is one of his biggest fan and couldn’t believe her ears when I told about the day I interviewed The King of Pop. Well, I sort of interviewed him. Okay, okay it was only a dream. But I interviewed him in my dream.

I have been thinking a lot about the infamous King of Pop. I think MJ is someone we can all learn from, especially about marketing, branding and image. This guy knew how to sell. Forget about his sleuth of problems with the law etc. Let’s face it, we should all be so good at what we do to have people talking (and writing articles) about us for 30+ years non-stop, and around the world. Despite his sudden unexplained death, the King of Pop does live on!

In my dream, I dreamt that I interviewed MJ…… Here’s what the King of Pop had to say :

What is your basic Branding communication philosophy?

Be different! Stand Out! Make a Statement! Just, be different.

First it was my clothes, then hair, then my glove, then my skin colour and then my nose…ok, I did go a bit overboard but you get the picture, be different!

What do you think is the key to Branding success?

Well, it’s like this Leslie. You have got to make being around you a really cool and bad experience, and by bad I mean good. I mean, you must make people talk about you and what you sell. If you think about it, I got so many fans because I knew how to make the customers ecstatic. You must give the customer something so special, you under promise and over deliver and they will tell all their friends. Do you want me to sing or dance yet? (No, MJ, let’s just finish the interview first!)
What advice do you have on Branding for the newcomer to the business world?

Well, I’d have to suggest that a newcomer in the business world is communicate that “I’ll be there” be dependable and available. Always , always “Look at the Man in the Mirror” cause it starts with you, take responsibility. Know that things in this world are never just “Black & White” so learn to read people and situations, anticipate and stay ahead of the game. Get really good at what’s important or your core competence. People forget I started performing when I was 5, so my solo albums, my moonwalk etc did not get done overnight. I practiced and practiced and practiced and ok , you get the point. There is no easy road to success….you have to work at it. Just Beat It ! Branding takes time and hard work but the pay-off is great!

What’s really important in branding?
For a Pop star?

(Come on MJ, this is a serious interview, for a prestigious business magazine. Do you want me to get in trouble?)

Okay, okay. What’s really important in business is to do what I did in music. Even though I sold to millions, most people felt as if they knew me intimately. (He starts singing, “You and I must make a pact”. Most never met me but I’m sure if you asked they trusted me. So, I’d have to say that as far as selling anything goes, be it product, service or yourself …. build trust. A Brand must be trusted.
How do you build trust?

Be consistent. Be visible. Be true to who you are. Care more about them than about you. They have got to feel like you really want to ‘Heal the World’. Be sincere. Remember you are dealing with human beings, so “ The Way You Make Me Feel” is something you always need to consider, how do people feel when dealing with you. It determines your success. Think about it we buy a brand because of how it makes us feel!

What prevents people from winning in Life?
They don’t wear a sequined sliver glove!. Just kidding! Fear to try, fear of failure, a lack of belief in themselves. “ Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough.” & “ Working Day & Night”. Branding requires hard work.

What is the key to your brand and success?
I think there were 3 essential elements that anyone reading this article might relate to:
First, I got good at my craft. I studied, I practiced and I learned everything I could about the business. I investigated the winners and the losers. I was a perfectionist when it came to my delivery, my image, my performance. Others knew I was committed and professional.

Second, I got the message out in an exciting manner. People like dealing with people who are alive and enthusiastic. I’m not suggesting people bring a sequined glove or thrusts their hips upward in their next business meeting but I am suggesting being positive and alert and even adding some humor. “ The Girl is Mine” is an example of this. People laughed and thought it was cute when Paul McCartney and I sang that song. Make dealing with you exciting, unpredictable, always something different man. I told you from the start be different, unique!

Third, I strove to make the customer ecstatic. I didn’t want to simply satisfy the customers; “ I Want You Back.” I wanted them to flip out when dealing with me. “I want to Rock The World.” We want our customers to say, He was fantastic, out of this world! We want to have people go nuts because of how we treat them. Remember again, “ The Way You Make Me Feel” is a key aspect of success. In Branding remember these 3 points – 1. Your Image 2. Be Unique 3. How You make People feel.
Is there any summary advice from your music that would be helpful in branding?

Man in the Mirror: It starts with you, you have to take responsibility, where you’ll end up. It is also a matter of how you see yourself. See yourself as a success and make it happen. Have a clear vision of your brand, the image you want to create in people’s minds and hearts.

The Way You Make Me Feel: That’s the way you should treat your customers, staff, and people you deal with. People will bend over backwards, if you make them feel special, wanted, loved etc. Understanding and Treating people Right is a key element to branding success.

Man in the Mirror: Be sure to be dressed right, different, unique but admirable. This has to be applied to your profession and what is acceptable, make the right impression so look at the mirror. Whether its personal branding or product branding, same principle. ‘Package’ it Right!

One Day In My Life: Visualize what you are going to achieve.
Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough: Know what brand and Image you want to create. Be clear , be focused and go after it.

Keep the Faith: Motivation must come from within, and also sometimes in a faith that is bigger than you and Life. Know your goals and keep at it.

Fly Away: Is what you need to do, get your plan, visualize and then go for it. Branding needs momentum and a take off!

Wanna Be Starting Something : This world needs doers, people whom will put their dreams into action. Be a doer, not just a dreamer. Branding needs constant work, always looking at how you can set yourself apart.

How do you differentiate yourself in the marketplace?
Show up for your next meeting with one glove, red leather jacket and bleach your skin. (Yeah, right!) Differentiation is a good. I think that if you want to succeed, you have to be different. I had this problem when I began. There were so many singers and musicians. I needed to stand out. I think successful people need to stand out. Why should someone deal with you instead of the competition? You or your product, as a brand, must literally stand out.

How do you keep people loyal to your brand?
Give them what they want, be more concerned about them than yourself and make dealing with you an AWESOME experience. Oh, and stay in touch. The key is “The Way You Make Me Feel!” If people feel good using your brand they will keep using your product.

What is some of your favorite quotations?
~ “Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind.” ~
Walter Landor

~ “A brand that captures your mind gains behavior. A brand that captures your heart gains commitment.” ~ Scott Talgo

“And I’m not an actress. I don’t think I am an actress. I think I’ve created a brand and a business.” Pamela Anderson

Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.”
Tom Peters

“A great brand taps into emotions. Emotions drive most, if not all, of our decisions. A brand reaches out with a powerful connecting experience. It’s an emotional connecting point that transcends the product.”

Scott Bedbury/Nike, Starbucks
What is branding “success” in your opinion?
Branding Success means when people hear the initials ‘MJ’, they know it stands for ‘Michael Jackson’ regardless of whether it is Europe, USA, Asia or South America. I am Recognized. When they see a sequined glove, they think of me, when they hear my song, it makes them feel my message, it means it brings a positive feeling, image and experience to their hearts and minds. They may even be willing to pay a premium because it is Michael Jackson and that at the end of the day is QUALITY!

With that I woke up as I heard someone say…
“MJ has died!”

If You Can See It You Can Do It !!!

Many years ago, I had the privilege to meet the founder and former chairman of Sony Corporation – Mr. Akio Morita. I was amongst a group of 27 handpicked graduating students who were given the opportunity to ask him questions and find out about his success. 

One of our first questions was :

“You built up this company from nothing into one of the largest and most successfid companies in the world, how did you do it? What was the secret?”

Mr. Morita calmly shared the following, “At Sony, we have a very simple vision; we do not invent anything from scratch. No, no, no what we do is watch trends, then borrow technology, take technology invented from scratch by someone else, and then make it smaller and better, smaller and better smaller and better we make it with more features, miniaturise it and then market the hell out of it! Everyone from top to bottom of Sony Corporation understands this vision. It is simple and clearly understood.” The Bible says in Proverbs, “If there is no vision the people perish”.

Let’s share more examples of

Leadership 101, why any leader must have a vision :

Whether you liked his politics or not, much can be Learned from the life of former President Clinton. As a teenager, Clinton thought of becoming a doctor or a reporter or even a musician. But after a fateful meeting with President John F.Kennedy, while still in high school, he made up his mind to enter politics. At that moment, a vision was born that he would hold onto - that he would glorify in his mind over and over – for the next 30 years, until he himself was elected President at the age of 46.

What is the vision for the future of your organisation? Is it written down? Do you often review it and think about it? Is your work organised around goals and objectives that will ensure the vision is reached?

Mr. Morita asked us how many of us had written our goals down on paper? Only 1 person had, and he, I am pleased to report, is now CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Mr. Morita also encouraged us to take another step, to share those goals with someone we trust someone who would be willing to nudge us along. keep us focused and remind us of our goals and to stay on track to achieve them. 

Wallace D.Wattles, wrote “There is no labour from which most people shrink
as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought; it is the hardest
work in the world.” And yet it is the “sustained and consecutive thought” about our vision that is the first and primary labour of achievement.

What You See,
You Can Pursue.

Many times, we get excited about an idea or business and then after a while our focus and enthusiasm diminishes. Many times we work on our business, but in hindsight we spend time on the wrong things.

Often, we lose focus because we can’t SEE what we’re pursuing.

We don’t have a physical or mental picture of what we desire to achieve.

One of the ways successful people stay so focused and accomplish so much, is by having a few physical reminders about what they and their staff are pursuing around them.

If you look at the wall and desk, of any great leader, you’ll will find his/her personal and company mission statement, his/her company’s annual objectives and his/her weekly priorities.

It’s all right there. He/She sees it all day. By seeing it, it helps him/her stay focused and get things done. By seeing it, he/she minimizes his/her wasted time by focusing on what’s important.

If we can’t SEE what we’re after, how will we know where we’re going or what we’re looking to achieve? Put your goals in front of you so you can SEE them often. Some do it on their personal computers, etc. Can you see and read them daly?

“What You SEE, You Can Pursue. What you Can’t SEE, you Can’t Pursue.


In Leadership, one has to have a clear concise ……VISION.

It has to be WRITTEN OUT.

It has to be SEEN.

It has to be reviewed DAILY.

It has to be SHARED with people whom will help you.

There has to be FOCUS.


Leadership is both personal and corporate. It starts with yourself, and influences the entire company, and all the people around you. In closing, “ What is your VISION ? ”, you need to ask yourself this, then write it down, be clear, be concise, be honest. Next share it with someone you trust, father, mother, sister, brother, best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife; someone whom you know will commit to helping you fulfill or moving toward accomplishing your written vision or goals.

First you visualize , then you actualize. R.Kelly wrote the song, “ I believe I can Fly “ and in that song the lyrics say If I can see it, then I can do it. It begins in our minds, we must first be able to see, to be able to visualize, then we can accomplish it. All the greatest athletes or sportsmen have learnt this and applied it to get success, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Muhammed Ali and many others. All the great corporate leaders do exactly the same as well, Donald Trump, Richard Branson and many others.

So now its our turn…..Picture it, See It, Visualize it…and yes…Achieve it.

Who is Driving Your Bus?

If we think about our own lives as being a journey on a bus, surrounded by a great variety of people, all with particular positions on our bus that relate to where they fit into our lives. Some are right there next to us; some behind us; some in front of us… but all are important in playing some role in how we are “positioned” in their lives, and they in ours. Remember we always have a choice…sit, stand, whom next to, get off the bus, get on another, stay silent, speak, engage, learn, follow, lead, be influenced or to influence….the choice is almost always ours.

As I write this I am reminded of the movie “Speed” with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves – where they were all on a bus being controlled by a maniac demanding a ransom. There are times when we do not have a choice at least it may seem that way. The truth is  our lives can be like that; out of control, with someone else doing the driving. Do you want that ? A fearful situation? Of course it is! Even in that scenario, did Keanu simply decide to simply do everything the maniac was demanding, no way Hosea, he was working on a plan….a plan to solve things, change the situation, get control and not be controlled.

The brutal truth is that so many people are living-out that nightmare bus-ride right now! Out of control – and don’t know what they can do about it. Do you want to simply ride and see what happens ? Give in and allow situations to rule you ? What can you do…more importantly what are you willing to do ?

OK, now that you’ve got the scene in your mind. In order to get some perspective on our own lives, sometimes we need to move to the back seat of the bus for a while, and become the observer of what is really going on. Sometimes you need to ask the right questions, just as Keanu figured out the maniac was observing them, watching their every move and therefore knowing what to do. He had to change that situation so he got help created a loop in the video feed to buy time, to execute a plan, to change the situation and get back control.

We also need to observe who the most significant people are, and how they are positioned in our lives. Keanu did not do this alone, he got help. We all need people in our lives whom contribute in different ways. Some give us Love & Belonging, some Significance & Recognition and yet others provide us with the stimulus of Challenge & Growth. We must understand our emotional drivers and use that knowledge to help move us in the right direction and speed. Whom we hang with will affect us, either positively or negatively.

Are they standing over us because they feel superior? Are they moving forward in their own lives and leaving us behind? Are they falling behind us because we’ve chosen to move forward? Where are you at in your life ?  Whom have you allowed to influence you ? Are you influencing others ? Are you simply going for a ride or do you know where your bus is going and how you are going to get to your destination ?

So now we are faced with an important question, “Who’s driving your bus”?

Is it someone from your past who has dominated you and what you do, even though they may not still be present in your life now? Are they taking you where you want to go? Do you feel like you would like to the bus to stop and let you off? Now here comes the challenge…

From this rear seat of observation, we need to start to move closer to the driver’s seat. You cannot really influence the driver from the back seat. It doesn’t matter how long this takes, and it doesn’t matter how much we are challenged by the people who may be trying to block our progress forward. We have to do this for ourselves… starting right now! So get off the back seat and start moving forward !

Our goal is to be in the driver’s seat of our own lives! Do you know what drives you ? Do you know your emotional drivers ? I will get into this in a another article for now, just know it’s important to be in the driver’s seat.

It is inevitable that we are going to be challenged, and that’s when we need courage!
Yes – we will all take different lengths of time to move forward… that’s when we need persistence, and patience with ourselves!

Most certainly we will feel daunted at times by this process… that’s when we need to have determination!

We are going to have to ask people to vacate their seats (which can possibly be their dominant positions in our lives) so that we can move forward towards that front seat we wish to occupy. We are going to have to sit in the middle of the bus at times while we learn to muster more courage and determination to move forward again. This is all part of the process, so stick with it because this is all for YOU! If you don’t help yourself who will ?

During this process of moving forward we must remain conscious of where the bus is now, and think about where we really want to take it once we’re up front, and in control. Pointless to get into the driver’s seat and not know where to go and the best route to get you there.

One very important point! At no stage in this process do we tread on someone if they get in our way (as we move forward), simply step around them and move on.


“Excellence is in the details. Give attention to the details and excellence will come.” – Perry Paxton

Good is not good enough in this overbuilt, competitive world…. We must strive for EXCELLENCE or to be better ….

We have to expect EXCELLENCE of/from ourselves …..our people ….our company …. In all we do.

How do we go about this …. to deliver this EXCELLENCE?

It is all around us … the message is clear … in business, sports, the arts, even our personal lives. We need to get back to basics.

Get back to basics, and do the basics very, very well, better than anyone else, better than the competitor next door or down the street.

In the sports world, it is knowing and doing the fundamentals of the game until they are part of you …blocking and tackling if you will …. That’s how the game is won. Sure there is always the spectacular play now and again, but the consistent winners, the superstars, are the ones who do it right all the time. Knowing their job in every detail and doing the basics better than anyone else

In the business world, it is:
 Taking care of little things
 Hands on management
 Being Imaginative
 Being Innovative
 Being Flexible
 Demanding of self and people
 Providing a good quality product
 Consistency

The list can go on but you get the idea.

I would like to share a provoking piece entitled:

I am your customer,
Satisfy my wants and give me personal attention
And a friendly touch, and I will become a walking advertisement
For your products and services.
Ignore my wants, show carelessness, inattention, and poor manners,
And I will simply cease to exist as far as you’re concerned.
I am sophisticated, much more so than I was a few years ago.
My personal needs are more complex.
I have grown accustomed to better things, I have more money to spend,
I am an Egotist, I am sensitive, I am proud,
My Ego needs the nourishment of a Friendly Personal Greeting from you.
It is important to me that you appreciate my business,
After all, when I buy your services, my money is feeding you.
I am a Perfectionist, I want the best I can get
For the money I spend.

When I criticize your service ….and I will,
To anyone who will listen, when I am dissatisfied, then take heed.
The source of my discontent lies in something you have failed to do.
Find that source and eliminate it, or you will Lose my business
And that of my friends as well.

I am fickle, other companies; your competitors continually beckon me With offers of better services for my money.

To keep my business, and patronage you must
Offer something better than they do.

I am your customer now, But you must prove to me again
And again that I have made a Wise choice in selecting you
And your services above all others.

A recent poll survey pointed out that 61% of the clients would not return if service was slow. Shocking isn’t it!?! That gives us an idea of the choices our clients have and the fact that no ones needs to put up with poor service in any area.

Good service is anything that makes a client feel more at home and comfortable during his encounter with you or your company. We have to be the beacon of true management, to make them feel they are special.

Nothing is really new is it? It’s back to basics …. Being consistent,
means doing the basics better than the rest.

Isn’t this the way you and I want to be treated every day of our life? This is No different than our client’s wants and needs.

When we “ GET BACK TO BASICS ” it means in our business, we:
Have a work environment that reinforces the ideal of putting customer first
This is done whilst making sure our customers feel appreciated and feel special
Understand the customers needs and expectations
Maximize the quality of the customers experience
Design systems and procedures that assist

Work for and not against customers wants and needs

Provide a quality, effective, efficient, dependable, predictable, uniformed service and product in all we do.

A Big Mac is a Big Mac everywhere in the world ….

Consistency and MacDonald’s is a very profitable company.

Is our business consistent? Does the customer leave satisfied every time? Can we truly say that we really know everything …. every detail …. of our Jobs? Are we Excellent? Do we know our Basics ?
“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.” – Colin Powell

If we say “YES”, then :
 Our staff is happy …. friendly, excellent …. Know every aspect of their jobs.
 They smile a lot …. Genuinely, call and know our clients by name, remember their preferences ……..
 We are consistently held up in our client’s as “the” people and hotel to do business with.
 We can and do command a higher price for our products and out guests willingly pay it knowing that they are getting fair value at a fair price.
 Our percent of repeat business is very high …. Our market share is the highest in our market place.
 We are making money and having fun!
 Special requests are welcomed as a challenged by the total staff.
 “Telephone Courtesy” is followed automatically.
 Response time is swift.
 Our clients enjoy doing business with us.
 All quality standards are followed.
 Most of all, we are consistent in everything we do.

“ Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.” – John W. Gardner
Put your mind in positive frame and add to this basic list …. It could go on and on and on, if the world were perfect, so to speak, and why not? Wouldn’t you rather work in a place that was near perfect than the flip side? I would.

Many new people are and will be experiencing our company for the first time. Many of these people can and do influence group business as well as individual business for our comapny.
The bottom line is people, our people have to be the best in the industry! That is what we must be and must continue to be.

Good people are function of Good Management. We need good managers, and more importantly good leaders and with a little more effort, we will be Excellent Leaders, Managers, Staff …. It starts with Basics !

The man credited with the turnaround of SAS Airlines was President Jan Carlzon. His advise is “Make sure you are really selling what the customer needs to buy. Our business is not flying airplanes, it’s serving the travel needs of our public. If we do that better than other companies, we’ll get the business.”

Our Business is similar in many ways to the airline business. Their passengers like our clients, our staff, they have many choices in today’s marketplace. We need to make sure they choose our service or product every time.

Carlzon stressed an almost obsessive commitment to managing every customer experience with SAS. “We have 50,000 moments of truth everyday,” He said, referring to any episode in which a customer comes into contact with any aspect of the company and forms an impression.

How many “Moments of Truths” do we face each day in our companies, via our websites, via their phonecalls, their visits, their emails, and their moments of truth with each of our staff. What do our clients say? What is He/She experiencing at our company with our staff? Remember the POLL …. 61 percent will not return!! if that moment of truth is negative.

Profit is the end result of doing it right and having excellent operations. Without it, we do not exist …. No company does. We can and need to be more profitable in our total operations.

We should not …. And do not need to …. Comprise quality to become more profitable. By getting back to the basics and understanding every aspects of our job, being customer and service oriented, expecting excellence of ourselves, our people, our operations, we will achieve our goals.

It’s up to you …. Us …. The finest selection of professionals in the industry …. Live It …. Believe It, and our customers will experience it!

Remember …. GET BACK TO THE BASICS ! Do it better than anyone else, do it consistently and let the staff shine so that your clients will Discover, Experience and Remember your company, product or service each and every time. GET BACK TO THE BASICS.

“ Excellence is about doing the Basics well, really well, in fact better than the rest, and that is the key to your success.” – Leslie Choudhury

Just Stand-Out

When it comes to sales, what happens when the product you sell has no real differentiation from the product of your competitors? Maybe it has but it is perceived as having no real difference!

Simply by going through all the product features and technical specifications is not enough to seal the deal. This is because the customer can simply tell you, “Hey, the other guy is selling me the same product at the same price.” ( Could be even worse, at a cheaper price!)

At this point, most sales people resort to giving discounts and/or added perks. However, this strategy only goes so far and it really blemishes the company’s bottom line.

Even more challenging for people today as margins are already thin, giving a discount may not be an acceptable practice to your company. Since there is no substantial price differential and little product differentiation in the offer, other forms of uniqueness needs to be evolved.

Staff who equip themselves with vast product knowledge and coupled with years of experience are ready to conquer the lucrative market. I will describe such staff as professionally ready. But then I ask again, “What is so unique about you are selling?” Most staff I have met have the basic people skill of being well mannered, attentive and presentable. But since most staff are such, how are you different from them?

You are probably already unique in many ways. If you are married, your spouse choose you out of the thousands of potential candidates to share a life and grow old together. What was that unique character of yours that made you so …em loved? Could it be that you were funny or confident or simply paid a good amount of attention to your spouse that made your spouse fall head over heels in love with you?

Accentuate these qualities and apply them appropriately to your business relationships. If your prospects fall in love you (not in romantic sense of course, that is a different discussion for another day!) your chances of being successful in sales have greatly increased.

If you have not discovered your uniqueness, I have over 50 great tips on “How to be a Magnet!” Why people will gravitate towards you and simply want to deal with you! Here are a few to help you get on.?

Be the bearer of good news.
Many people thrive by making others miserable. They love to break bad news to others or absorb with talking about this. They love to tell you when the war has broken up in a certain country. They would love to tell you when there is an increase in taxes or that the transport fare is going up. They would only be too eager to tell you that a bomb has gone off and innocent lives were lost.
Although it is not wrong to break news to people, but if you were the one that is constantly breaking bad news to people, soon you will be known as the bearer of bad news. In the biblical days, the messenger was only too afraid to bring bad news to the King. For if the King is unhappy with the news, the messenger would be executed. The messenger prefers to bring good news to the King. For when the King is pleased, the messenger could be rewarded.

In the same way, we are rewarded or punished in terms of the reputation we possess and attitude others have built up towards us. If we constantly bring good news to the people around us, people will look forward to meeting us each day. Everybody loves good news. Once they associate you as the one that brings good news, they will receive you with enthusiasm. Before you make your next call or meeting ask yourself, what good news can I share?

Make every first encounter a great memorable first impression
In many social encounters, most people forget your name moments after you have introduced yourself to them, this shows that you have not left behind an impression strong enough on them. If they do not remember you after the first encounter, you can expect no opportunities coming from these contacts.

If you simply introduce yourself as “Hi, I am Leslie”, your acquaintance does not have a strong enough anchoring point remembering you. It is better to introduce yourself as “Hi, Leslie Choudhury is my name, meeting your company’s needs is my aim!”. Think of being different right up front. Do not introduce yourself as everybody else would. What’s the point? Be unique, help people associate your name with simple visualization or anchor. Point is make sure they remember you positively.
Describe more of your passion and interest as in “Hi, Leslie Choudhury is my name, sky diving is my hobby!” This will create a huge opening to talk about your hobby with people or at the very least because it’s unusual they will not forget you. Makes you interesting, makes the approach indirect. This will create a softer approach towards your prospect. You will not be seen as looking at every prospect as your next commission sale.

Make simple moments into magical moments

Every encounter with friends or strangers can be one that is special and memorable. Be engaged with every moment of conversation, smile from your heart, talk with your eyes, create interesting topics for conversation. Feel for the people you talk to, share their joy and share their pain. Be a good listener. Create a powerful presence. Be different, stand-out !!! Sorry got to go, I feel the force, Got to be Different!!!

Tapping the Full Potential of Your Speaking Voice

We are all concerned about public speaking: how to be more dynamic; how to control nervousness; how to keep your audience interested (and awake); etc. However, have you ever considered the sound of your speaking voice? Did you know that 37% of the image you project , is your voice? To make matters worse, I’m talking about the voice you hear on your answering machine, not the sound you hear in your head. The former is the truth; the latter a lie or not an accurate account of what people actually hear.

In order to improve the sound of your speaking voice, you need to do two things: breathe with the support of your diaphragm, and speak within your optimum range. Most people are doing neither. Once you learn these two techniques, you will discover a rich, warm, resonant speaking voice as well as one that will improve with age because you have taken the pressure off the vocal folds and throat. When I’m 85, I may look like an old man, but I will not sound like one. Ever.

All mammals have a diaphragm; all mammals use that muscle to support breathing. It is only the most intelligent of the mammals that stops this practice sometime during our childhood development. What results are voices that are being powered by the throat, vocal fold, mouth, and/or nose.

We have five cavities in the body in which sound should resonate or vibrate: the throat, the voice box, the mouth, the nose, and most importantly, the chest. Because the majority of the population is using only the upper portion of the chest to breathe (which is referred to as lazy or shallow breathing), that majority of the population is unable to capitalize on the fantastic sound that results when the chest becomes the major sounding board, the major amplifier. James Earl Jones is capitalizing on it, as well as many others today. Take for example the movie “Shriek” all the stars involved Cameron Diaz, Eddie Murphy ( the Donkey), Antonio Bandaras (Pussycat) etc all have learned to project and need to do so as they spend hours in the recording studio.

In addition, breathing with the support of your diaphragm means that you will be able to project your voice instead of shout. Projection is only possible if you are speaking within your optimum range and breathing properly — anything else is yelling. I try to never yell at my son Zack; I project. It is more effective and better for my voice box to do that. When you yell, you’re out of control; if you project, then you’re in control. By the way, kids don’t listen if you yell, but they do pay attention when you project.

More good news is that diaphragmatic breathing is the single most important thing you should do to control nervousness in any form of public speaking. Those who tell you differently are wrong. Sadly, breathing is something we never consider when we stand to speak except when it’s gone. 

Breathlessness is a huge problem at the lectern. Let me ask you a question. Do you ever wonder when to take a breath in normal conversation? Probably not. So why is it such a concern in public speaking? Because we don’t allow ourselves to take a breath before we run out of air; we wait until we are totally spent and then we gasp for the next breath which only increases out tension. When I give a presentation, I am nervous, but my audience does not see or hear it because I am breathing — I’m using my diaphragm to control that nervousness. I like nervousness. Nervousness is good. It’s that extra spurt of adrenaline that can help make your talk truly exhilarating.

If you’re not nervous, if your heart isn’t beating a little faster, I’m concerned because your presentation or speech will be flat. The secret, however, lies in this control. Nervousness doesn’t control me; I control it.

Having control over your speaking voice and your breathing is a fantastic asset. And, once you make diaphragmatic breathing a habit, you will discover benefits that have nothing to do with the voice or presentation skills.

In the meantime, “ let the power of your voice take their breath away, not yours! ” – Leslie Choudhury

Talking to Yourself

I feel lousy way today.”

“Things don’t usually work out for me.”

“I always seem to foul things up eventually.”

This is the self-talk for way, way, too many people and it robs  us of our happiness and fulfillment.

Let me share one idea with you today. Just one.

Become AWARE of negative recurring thought patterns that sabotage and halt our progress.

“Leslie, where do some of these negative recurring thoughts come from?”

Good question.

I don’t have all the answers, though let me share with you an idea.
Be on the watch for negative GENERATIONAL habits and mindsets that have rubbed off on you. (many times you don’t even realize it)

Lack of enthusiasm
Victimization mentality

Most people don’t realize how powerful their environment is throughout their life.

Bring more SELF AWARENESS into your life.

Lift your thoughts. Start thinking more positively about yourself and what you can accomplish.

Negative generational habits that you’ve accepted limit your growth and accomplishments.

You can break them and experience new levels of fulfillment, self respect, and success.

Seek to become a GENERATIONAL SUCCESS. Seek to pass on a great mindset to your colleagues, staff, kids and their kids.

Tell yourself daily that you’re a great person, that GREAT things are about to happen for you.

Start expecting success, every day. In every part of your lives.

Sometimes we can think we’re positive, though our core mindset is negative.

We don’t truly expect to win.

Can you See yourself in your mind SUCCEEDING now?

Stop letting your memory hold you back.

Start using your imagination to break past negative programming.

Start enjoying life more. Increase your enthusiasm for living.

Our mental attitude directs our lives.

Let’s keep improving each day and seek to be the best we can be, you in?

Your Coach & Friend,